Tennis strings
TROFIL®-PET-tennis strings are, as are all products of MONOFIL-TECHNIK GmbH, produced exclusively in Germany.
They meet the highest quality standards and show this particularly in the following characteristics:
- High elasticity
- High elasticity resistance
- Low tension loss
- Complete weather resistance
- Snare or transverse bending strength

TROFIL®-PET tennis strings stand for High-Tech Products that is the result of years of experience and development work. Our target is to make the playing life of the TROFIL® -PET tennis strings comparable to the natural intestine strings without losing the essential cost advantages.
We are pursuing this target via continuous further developments.
An example of this is the introduction of TROFIL® -Co-PET tennis strings. In comparison to the TROFIL® -PET tennis strings, these strings are more elastic, more abrasion-resistant and provide longer durability.